Friday, December 30, 2011

Counting Down...

I cannot believe that another year has gone by. Isn't it strange to think 'we live in the year 2012?' I thought by this point we would be driving tiny spaceships instead of cars (love the Jetsons! They live in my dreamworld). I am thankful for so many things, and there are several things that I want to strive toward in 2012...

I am so thankful for my family. I hate when they leave to go back home; the time is so precious when they are here. My brother, Dave, amazes me. He spent so much time with us and has told me a few times that he wants to be involved in T's upbringing. This makes my heart melt. For Christmas, Uncle Dave bought Trafton a Thomas the Tank Engine tunnel to climb through. It even had a ball pit attached. When he left today, he took the sheets and towels he had used and loaded them into a laundry basket for me. This may not sound like a big deal to some, but this means the world to me.

Don't even get me started on my parents....they are ridiculously awesome. I am thankful for their generosity and the time that they give us. Chris and I have said many times that we hope we can be HALF the parents they are to us.

I am thankful for a steadfast, faithful husband. Oh, and he's pretty patient too :)

I am thankful for a healthy child whose big personality is starting to emerge from his little body. I am thankful for his smiles and that he has started to give hugs and kisses. Not sure there is anything better.

I am thankful that Chris and I both believe in the same God and that we love Jesus and what he did for us. As I type, I am watching 'True Life' about couples whose members each believe something different spiritually. (Y'all know I watch some goofy tv sometimes....guilty pleasure.) I can't even imagine spending my life with someone who did not share my faith. Yikes. Thankful for salvation and happy to be His sheep.

I am thankful for my job and the tiny lives that I get to impact- in a positive way, hopefully! I am thankful for their creativity and their energy (wish it would rub off on me sometimes), and I am so thankful that they hold my hand and give me hugs. I am also grateful for their parents- I have made some new friends in parents this year. What a blessing!

What are my goals for this upcoming year? I have a few...

I want to lose some weight (or gain some weight, depending on what God's plan may be for our family! Ha!).

I want to join a church! Chris and I have been searching and we are past ready. Part of what's holding us back are excuses. I pray that God will shove these excuses out of the way and plant us somewhere.

I would like to learn more about the Old Testament. My husband gave me The Message for Christmas. Man, it's like reading a book. For those of you who haven't cracked it, it's a "reading bible", according to the intro. And that it is....I am loving it.

I want to love other people. I know this sounds immensely corny, but I mean it. And I don't mean by sending a card every now and then, or doing some community service here and there. Those things are GREAT, but I feel like God is pushing me and calling me deeper. Hard to explain, but I am ready to use my heart, my home, and my resources in ways that will impact others and help them see God's love. I want to stop worrying. I don't want "what if..." to hold me back.

I want to forgive and move on. I tend to dwell on negative experiences and hold on to things. I want to let them go. I want to forgive and try to forget, while also being mindful of who I trust and share with.

I pray that I can worship through EVERYTHING I do.....this is probably the hardest, but I want to challenge myself. I want to glorify Him through work, play, waking, reading, talking, breathing. Hey, they're goals right? I'll keep tryin'.

What are you thankful for in 2011? What are your goals for 2012?


  1. GAH! I love you girl. I wish we lived closer. I know God is going to do great things in your family this year. I know yall are going to find the perfect church, and I myself am hoping you gain some weight ;) I'm glad we got to catch up before Christmas.

  2. Harding - This is a beautiful and well-written blog entry. It is obvious that we are from the same grandparents and great-grandparents. Nana and Papa Wright were so loving and loved Jesus just like you express here. They were such strong examples to me and my family when they were alive. To me, heaven will be like life at their Mills Avenue house. I can't wait to see them again and feel like that once more. Have a wonderful new year. Love, Robin

  3. Wonderful post Harding! Wishing you and your beautiful family a very blessed 2012 :)

  4. I love reading your blog and am excited for the work the Lord is doing in you! Come to Eternal!! :) I'd love to see you more!!! :)
