Wednesday, November 28, 2012

That time of year's that time of year again. Everyone is posting what they are thankful for. Soon, we'll start to hear aspirations for the new year. I re-read my post from last year and the hopes I had for 2012:

I want to lose some weight (or gain some weight, depending on what God's plan may be for our family!).

I want to join a church! Chris and I have been searching and we are past ready.

I would like to learn more about the Old Testament.

I want to love other people.

I want to forgive and move on.

The first is my favorite! Definitely went with 'gain'. Praise Him for my daughter! I'll gladly gain a few extra pounds to be a mother of two. My first postpartum workout was yesterday. I feel like I got hit by a bus today. But I feel a sense of newness and purpose, which I am thankful for. Maybe this year I'll lose a few pounds...

The second was accomplished! Chris and I finally found a church to call home. Praise Him!

Definitely learned more about the Old Testament this year. Our pastor spent a few months studying the books of Samuel, so that peaked my interest.

As for the last two goals, I HOPE that I accomplished these. I am human, so of course it's a daily battle.


This year, I am thankful for a long list of people and other blessings...

Thankful for my family and several weeks at home to adjust, grow, and snuggle together. Thankful for a safe birth and the blessings of recovery and strength following a C section.

Thankful for my mom and my dad. Over the past several years, I have come to an intense realization: I would not be where I am or be the person that I am if it weren't for them. They are, hands down, the most amazing, beautiful, generous souls that I know. I researched the different types of love and here's what I learned: my parents are a shining example of "AGAPE" love. It means selfless, altruistic love. Sacrificing one's self to help another.

Thankful that I live with and love my best friend in the world. Conversation is not always easy, but honesty flows between us. I am so grateful to be married to someone who forgives easily.

Thankful that my son (and soon, my daughter!) are cared for and loved on by wonderful, godly ladies. Trafton spends time with Miss Angela and his Amma during the week. We know that he is encouraged and protected by both of them. When we drop him off in the morning, these ladies offer the best gift you can give a worried mama: PEACE.

It may sound silly, but thankful for a washing machine and a dishwasher. (I seriously think we run both on a daily basis!) Grateful for a home to call ours, and yard for my furry kids to run in. Thankful for the ability to buy groceries, medicine, and clothes.

Thankful for God's promises- He promises that He will sustain us and carry us through. Thankful for His whispers and soft nudges, and for His direction.

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