Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do Not Be Afraid

I have always been a pleaser. The level of people-pleasing has fluctuated over the years, but I always seem to want to make others happy. Even if it means I have to change my mind or worse, change myelf, to do so.

Fortunately, He issues us a challenge in the book of Deuteronomy:
Do not be afraid of any man, for judgement belongs to God. (1:17)

God obviously thinks that each of us are pretty special...why else would he have sent Jesus to take our place on the cross? Why would he continue to let the Holy Spirit come into the lives of perpetual sinners? He loves us dearly and considers us his children. Pretty lucky for us, huh?

So, if the creator of the universe thinks I am worthy of His love, why can't I believe in myself and trust myself sometimes??

First reason: I am a woman. I think that most of us, as females, thrive on friendship and approval of our "sisters". Heck, it's not just my sisters and friends who I seek approval from. It's neighbors, coworkers, bosses, classroom parents, people I have just met. I think my husband also likes for folks to enjoy his company, but when you really get down to the nitty gritty? He will take care of our family and does not really care what others think. (Which I love about him, by the way.)

Second reason that I seek the approval of others so often: I hate to see people hurt. Especially when it's a result of something I have done or said. I might complain to Chris about someone, but the minute I hurt their feelings or do something that displeases them, I doubt myself and my own judgement. When I begin to compromise myself and my beliefs to please someone else? That's something that God does not approve of. That is something that my weak, human heart causes.

Ironically, as I'm typing this, I am watching/listening to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. (I know, I know....don't judge.) One of the characters is going through crazy sad stuff in her personal life, and another character on the show is gossiping about her and talking smack around town. The first character just cried to the other one and explained: "I have bent over backwards to try to be your friend." What does God tell us to do when we're not friends with someone? Or when we realize we would have to change ourselves to please others? It is clear:


Who should I be trying to please? Him, and Him alone.


  1. Hello! I came across your blog today and it is very inspirational! I love this post and can very much relate to it! I have twin boys and just started a blog. I would love for you to check it out!

    Many blessings!


  2. Thank you for the add! I look forward in following you, too! God Bless!

