I wasn't planning on writing tonight. Don't want to wear out my welcome in the blogging world too quickly. BUT, I was so proud of my sweet kindergarten students today and I wanted to share.
Next week, we will have a classroom "Family Feast" with students and their parents. In the past, I suppose I've had a slight case of parent-phobia. Some made me nervous and some frustrated me. This year, however, I am truly excited about spending this meal with my kids and their parents. Funny how the Lord changes your heart and your perspective after you have a child of your own :)
Anyway, as a special pre-meal presentation, my students will present a turkey that they have made. On each feather, they wrote something that they are thankful for. We encouraged them to think hard about the things or the people that they would not want to live without. I thought for sure one of them would write 'my playstation' or 'my trampoline'. Well, they showed me.
Almost every child said something about mom, dad, or 'my family'. Some were thankful for their teachers (I did NOT even tear up, thank you very much!) or for their bed (Amen!).
I got to my sweet Bradyn and asked him what he was thankful for. Number One? GOD. (Smart boy.) Number Two? That God makes us alive. (Seriously??) Number Three? My mom. Number Four? My dad.
Alani, another friend at his table, shared with me next. Number One? MY FISHIES. I had to keep a straight face and nod, but inside I was cracking up. For the remaining items, she told me things like her family and her teachers. But I just couldn't get past "I am thankful for my fishies". At first, I found it hilarious. Then I started thinking....maybe these kids are on to something...
To be thankful for such a tiny creature and to mention it as your number one? So kind and thoughtful. Maybe more of us should think about the tiny fishies in our lives. Obviously, I don't mean literal fish. I'm thinking more along the lines of every little thing that God gives us: food to eat, water when we are thirsty, a clean potty to use, warm socks on our feet. These things are little to us, but would be huge to the less fortunate.
He lets us wake up each morning and breathe. He knows where we have been and where we are going. He is a constant, there when I need Him. For THAT, I am thankful.
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