I have been searching forever. I have tried food, clothes, friendships, relationships, busyness, fitness...you name it. ANYTHING and everything to find my worth. To find my 'calling' and meaning in life. I finally realized two years ago that God may not give us that "aha!" moment when we realize what we are supposed to be when we grow up. As cliche as it may sound, He gently guides us and grows us until we realize that we are His alone and that we are to simply ACT JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY, and WALK HUMBLY with Him. (Micah 6:8)
I read this verse and suddenly realized that I don't have to be perfect at anything, or be incredibly talented in any certain area. Instead, He has simply asked that I love Him, accept and celebrate Jesus and what He did for us, and love other people (no matter how frustrating, mean, or annoying they may be sometimes). This is my calling, or my purpose.
The simplicity AND the complexity of this challenge struck me: I am called to love others. Easy right? Wait....I am called to REALLY love others. Yikes. That means forgiving when I've been wronged. It means smiling at people that I don't care for. It means acknowledging my wrongdoing in certain situations, instead of blaming others. It means putting others above myself. I am called to celebrate other people's victories and success stories, instead of bragging about my own. He asks me to give to those in need, give of my heart and my time. He wants me to look past outward appearances. He wants me to share the gospel truth with everyone I come into contact with, by acting, loving, and walking humbly.
Phew. I have a long way to go.
I look forward to reading more about you and your LOVE for God and others. You have such wisdom to share. Thank you for letting me take a peek into your thoughts.