Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Did you hear???

One of my dear friends just officially announced that she is pregnant. She is nearly 12 weeks, and I think it has been harder for ME to hold in this wonderful secret than it has been for her! I learned that she is expecting a while ago, and tears came to my eyes. What a gift! God chooses to give you this human, this LIVING, BREATHING, PRECIOUS gift. He chooses you to grow it, feed it, and introduce it to the world. He chooses you to teach it, love it unconditionally (which is not always easy). He chooses you to share your faith with this child; to tell your precious child about the ONE being that truly accepts us for who we are. He chooses you, despite all your flaws and all of your past. Motherhood is an honor and the biggest blessing I have ever experienced.

 Some days, I feel accomplished. I can get up early and exercise; I can clean our home and put dinner in the crock pot. I can spend all of my "free time" with my son. I feel as if I am teaching him and truly raising him. Other days, I am a failure. I can't seem to accomplish anything I have planned. I don't get home early enough and I only have a fraction of time with my child. I don't work out. I am fat. I am disorganized. I am nasty to others. But then my God makes me pause. He stills me and He quiets me; He reminds me that life is all about seasons and struggles. We grow and glorify Him through our struggles. If I feel like a failure one day, I wake up the following morning and He has redeemed me. What a glorious blessing.

I look at my son and I am awestruck that God has let me become a mother.Don't get me wrong: I adore my husband and being his wife. But being a mommy? A totally different, jaw-dropping experience thus far.  And it will only get better with each passing day.

1 comment:

  1. Harding, (I finally figured out how to comment!) I can so so relate. Right now I fluctuate literally from one day to the next between feeling accomplished vs. failure. I try to celebrate that His power is made perfect in our weakness...but it is hard! Love you!
